Introducing Aquaculture to the Community, DELOS Joined Seminar and Musda SCI Jabar-Banten
Bandung, 15 August 2022 – DELOS participated in the Seminar and Musyawarah Daerah (Musda) Shrimp Club Indonesia Jawa Barat-Banten which was held at Holiday Inn Bandung Pasteur. This recurring event of Shrimp Club Indonesia Jawa Barat-Banten was planned to be held in 2021. However, this event had to be postponed for a year due to the high number of positive cases of COVID-19.
However, this did not dampen the public’s interest in attending and joining Seminar and Musda SCI Jabar-Banten. It was recorded that more than 100 people attended this event, including shrimp farmers and people who have an interest in shrimp farming.
Also Read: Challenges in Aquaculture Industries
Series of Seminar and Musyawarah Daerah of SCI Jawa Barat-Banten Event

As its name, the series of event Seminars and Musyawarah Daerah of SCI Jabar-Banten contains seminars related to the sciences of shrimp farming. From the Strategy of Selecting Quality Shrimp Seed, How to Prevent the Entry of Shrimp Diseases, and the Management of Shrimp Farming 4.0.
In addition, Joko Sasongko, the chairman of the Shrimp Club Indonesia Jawa Barat-Banten, raised issues related to simplifying licensing for shrimp farming businesses. Because in 2022, there are 23 licensing requirements are needed to establish shrimp farms.
Shrimp Club Indonesia Jabar-Banten hopes that simplifying licensing requirements for setting up shrimp ponds can be a breakthrough for development in coastal areas.
The event ended with regional deliberations (musda) to elect a chairman and the formation of the Shrimp Club Indonesia Jabar-Banten management for the 2022-2027 period.
As one of the agendas of the West Java-Banten Indonesia Shrimp Club, this Seminar and Musda is an event to introduce aquaculture to the public. Additionally, through this event, business actors and potential partners can meet to build relationships and develop business.
COO of DELOS Elected as Chairman of Shrimp Club West Java Banten

At the end of the event, the Chief Operational Officer of DELOS, Bobby Indra Gunawan, was elected by acclamation as the Chairman of the Shrimp Club Indonesia Jawa Barat-Banten for the period 2022-2027. Bobby replaces Joko Sasongko, who previously served.
In his remarks as the new chairman of the SCI Jabar-Banten, Bobby conveyed his vision and mission which was shortened to 5M, namely knitting togetherness and solidarity with farmers, building synergy with the government as inter-association policy makers, increasing production through science and technology, building access to essential financing. fisheries culture, as well as literacy in the digitalization of farms.
DELOS Introduces Aquaculture to the Community

During the West Java-Banten SCI Seminar and Musda, DELOS actively introduced science and technology-based shrimp aquaculture with good management through our product, Farm Management integrated with the AquaHero App, as well as the Supply Chain Integration program. These three products are part of DELOS’ commitment to leading the blue revolution for shrimp farming in Indonesia.
DELOS Farm Management has a core team among the top 99 best in Indonesia. In terms of experience, over the years, our team has successfully designed, built, operated, and managed shrimp farms with a scientific approach.
Moreover, DELOS Farm Management is also supported by the AquaHero application, which can be operated easily via gadgets. This application can monitor the performance of our partners’ shrimp farms easily and quickly in real-time. In addition, we also help partner farms to get the best products and prices for shrimp farming through the Supply Chain Integration program.
Also Read: Aquatech Startup DELOS Believes That Indonesia Will Become The Largest Shrimp Exporter
Get Closer to the Aquaculture Industry with DELOS!
Although it was delayed due to the pandemic, Seminar dan Musda SCI Jabar-Banten was held successfully. The election of DELOS Chief Operating Officer, Bobby Indra Gunawan as Chairman of the Shrimp Club Indonesia Jabar-Banten marked the end of this event.
Through the Seminar and Regional Conference (musda) of the West Java-Banten Shrimp Club Indonesia, DELOS hopes that the aquaculture industry in Indonesia will continue to advance and be more productive. This is in line with DELOS’ aspiration to lead the blue revolution and make Indonesia the world’s largest shrimp exporter.
Well, for those of you who are interested in the aquaculture industry, now you don’t need to be confused about where to start. Because, DELOS is here and ready to help you.
DELOS is a science-driven aquatech company seeking to disrupt Indonesia’s traditional and fragmented aquaculture industry. We believe that Indonesian aquaculture has unrivaled potential.
Let’s get to know aquaculture more closely with DELOS!