Vannamei shrimp cultivation is one of the things that are now in great demand by entrepreneurs in the aquaculture sector. The reason is that shrimp originating from the Pacific Ocean have various advantages compared to other shrimp.
However, cultivating vannamei shrimp is more challenging than it looks. Many things can be a source of failure in any cultivation. Start from poor farm management, disease attacks, and any other factors.
For this reason, farmers need to know the following information before starting vannamei shrimp farming. Learn more about it in this article!
Also Read: 7 Characteristics of High-Quality Vannamei Shrimp Seed
Things to Look For When Cultivating Vannamei Shrimp
1. Pond Location
Before starting vannamei shrimp farming, the first thing you have to do is choose an appropriate pond location.
According to the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, pond locations for aquaculture activities must meet the following requirements:
- In accordance with the spatial use and area designated for shrimp farming activities.
- Close to water sources with sufficient quality and quantity for cultivation.
- Free from flooding and contaminants.
- Have adequate infrastructure.
2. Choose Superior Shrimp Fry
Healthy and ideal fry have a big impact on the success of the shrimp farming process. Therefore, it is important to choose superior fry. The criteria for excellent seeds include the following:
- Certified shrimp seeds.
- Not infected with WSSV, TSV, IMNV, or IHHNV viruses.
- Visually have a uniform size.
- Seeds are properly transported under applicable standards.
3. Pay Attention to the Time of Spreading Fry
In cultivating vannamei shrimp, the fry must be stocked appropriately. Special preparations include the selection of time before the seed stocking is carried out.
Some things that must be considered before spreading vannamei shrimp fry are:
- Make a temperature adaptation first to the fry that will be stocked.
- Add artemia feed.
- When stocking is done in the morning or evening.
Also Read: 7 Easy Ways How to Cultivate Vannamei Shrimp for Beginners
4. Effective and Efficient Feed Management
Nearly 60% of capital in cultivation is spent on purchasing feed. So, by carrying out effective and efficient feed management, farmers can reduce the money spent.
Effective and efficient feed management can be done by adjusting the feed dose given to vannamei shrimp with the consumption rate. In addition, sampling every few days must also be done to control growth.
5. Always Monitor the Water Quality
Monitoring or observing water quality aims to monitor changes or fluctuations in water quality parameters during cultivation. Ideally, water quality observations are carried out every day at certain hours.
Parameters in observing water quality include physical parameters such as pH, temperature, DO, and salinity; chemical and biological parameters such as alkalinity, TOM, the abundance of plankton species, total bacteria, total vibrio, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, ammonia, and total suspended solids.
Advantages of Vannamei Shrimp Cultivation
Vannamei shrimp farming can be profitable, with billions of rupiah in turnover. Moreover, if managed on a large scale. No wonder more and more people are interested in getting into this business.
The high interest in the global market for vannamei shrimp is also another trigger where in recent years, vannamei shrimp cultivation has mushroomed in various regions in Indonesia.
In addition, other factors such as vannamei which has a cultivation cycle of only 3 months, can be cultivated in various types of ponds ranging from traditional to super-intensive, has good adaptability, and has a high survival rate making shrimp farming very profitable for farmers.
Also Read: Easy Crispy Fried Shrimp Recipes to Cook at Home
Vannamei Shrimp Cultivation Easier with DELOS Farm Management
Starting vannamei shrimp farming does look easy. Maybe you only need a pond and fry ready to grow, even though many things must be considered again so that the cultivation that is carried out goes well and is profitable.
However, you don’t need to worry because DELOS is ready to help you manage your shrimp farm. DELOS is the best science, technology, and operational management-based aqua-tech company that can help you explore new opportunities in the aquaculture field.
DELOS Farm Management is also integrated with the AquaHero application, making it easy for farm owners and farm technicians to monitor their shrimp farms daily.
Need help with supply issues for your farm needs? DELOS also has a Supply Chain Integration program named AquaLink. We can help connect you with producers and farm owners to get and sell farm products at the best prices.
You can easily contact the DELOS Team via contact@delosaqua.com or submit via our website contact column, www.delosaqua.com, to find out more about our Farm Management and Supply Chain Integration programs. Trust your farm management to DELOS!