The presence of an aquatech application technology in Indonesia is indeed not as busy as the fintech industry which is developing rapidly today. The reason is, the journey of creating a scientific-based technology is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. The stages that must be passed are quite long, going through a learning process for failures that have occurred. So that in the end it is able to present the ideal composition and formula to run a shrimp pond. One of the aquatech startups in Indonesia that has started its career from the beginning is DELOS, which is an improvement from cycle to cycle in the pond itself. Starting from 2016 until now, DLA has continued to innovate digitally, until it leads to the application of DELOS technology which is then introduced to the public. Equipped with a control technology called Aquahero, DELOS is designed as an expert consultant for shrimp farmers. DELOS. Born from the long journey of a conventional shrimp pond called Dewi Laut Aquaculture (DLA) located in Garut, West Java, DELOS CEO, Guntur Mallarangeng, said in a press release that with the involvement of DELOS, we were able to significantly increase DLA yields. cultivation, with a distribution of 180 head per square meter, feed conversion ratio below 1.5 and survival rate above 85%, which in the end we were able to exceed 40 tons per hectare with 90 days of cultivation time,” said Guntur, Friday (7/1). With this measurement, DELOS in its application is also able to measure the ideal amount of feeding, so that it is not excessive and wastes a lot of money for farmers. The hope is that in the end we will be able to get a good Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) below 1.5. If so, the shrimp will grow according to the weight that was initially targeted by the farmer.
“If shrimp ponds in Indonesia can apply the latest and renewable science, technology, and operations, the productivity per hectare of aquaculture actors in Indonesia will become more competitive in the global arena. This opportunity is very good for the fishing industry in Indonesia, especially since our country is a maritime country with abundant marine resources – it should even exceed the maritime capabilities of any country,” said Guntur. In the near future, usually shrimp farmers will enter a partial harvest period. At this stage, DELOS will also provide recommendations on the condition of pond water to partners, as well as the percentage of shrimp to be harvested in each pond, as well as additional vitamins, minerals, and immunostimulants prior to partial harvest which will be recommended, so that the shrimp harvested later have a good weight. Denser and prevent the shrimp from moulting or changing skin. According to Guntur, shrimp farming with the application of the technology is certainly not an easy thing. It is very necessary for farmers to adjust their mind set to this application. immediately conjured successful. “We have a role as expert consultants who will assist farmers in various situations. Usually a shrimp pond in general, sometimes there are times when a crisis condition arises or problems occur. At that time, DELOS issued recommendations that must be carried out by farmers, and if conditions are normal then farmers must fully implement DELOS recommendations,” he concluded.